starwars is awesome, and there is literally nothing wrong with the first three starwars ever made, but when you get to the prequels, things just start to go downhill! We are not talking about jar-jar binks, we are talking about STWARS! It's the best thing in the world #loveHonsolo. If i could marry starswars I would. I can't wait for starwars 7 :D STarWARS.
Starwars takes lace in another galaxies, a long time ago. Considering it to be in the past, but light years away from us. The film takes places as to opposing forced, the darkside and the lightside, Or in other words the Sith Vs. Jedi. These to opposing forces co-inside with each other as the darkside is represented by the Empire, and it's Sith, while the rebellion represent the light side, and the jediUselesslink.